
I don't clean up after you because I like you and I'm generous, but because I hate you and you're gross, an open letter.

If it's unacceptable to be insensitive, sloppy, and reckless (e.g. perpetually leaving the kitchen in a mess, disconnecting the fire alarm then leaving the fire on the stove blithely burning), then I have no regrets about moving your things. A good roommate isn't defined by hollow gestures of inclusivity, but by sensitivity to boundaries, tidiness, and prudence in and with shared space. You were cognizant of, if not deliberate in, inconveniencing me. You were a monster, and I owe you no respect.

If, on the other hand, your behavior was acceptable, I still insist I am no villain. I was angry and drunk and cleaning. If I happened to misplace your misplaced belongings, if I happened to be insensitive, sloppy, and reckless, I guess that's just the shit ocean we live in. Because catharsis is important and so is a clean kitchen, I have no regrets.

But, on the nose, I'm writing this because I have regrets. Because you confronted me with aggression and I closed my door. Because you stopped my door with your foot and came into my room with your anger. Because your gendered insults ("little bitch") resonated for me in a place of fear; because, no matter how much I'd like to believe your straight-boy misogyny precludes homophobia, I can't. 

You occupy political positions with the authority of truth and neutrality. That flagrant aggression seems objectively preferable to passive aggression is because you believe in objectivity. Your various privileges blind you to the sexism and ableism intrinsic to the epistemic construction of the category "passive aggressive".


Flowers and Stasis

He had given up attending to matters of practical importance; he had lost all desire to do so. In fact, nothing that any landlady could do held any terror for him. But to be stopped on the stairs, to be forced to listen to her trivial, irrelevant gossip, to pestering demands for payment, threats and complaints, all the while racking his brains for excuses, avoiding the issue, lying--no, he would rather creep down the stairs like a cat and slip out unseen.


Tian Luu writes:

I"m not going to say it again and I don't want to fight with you on any of this anymore. But I don't know where you got the idea that and eleven pm bedtime is an ultimatum. We have four part time working students in the house and most of us are in bed by midnight. I work half of the week at an office that starts at 9 AM which is considerably late for the working world, it's not a difficult concept to understand. Also, I'm not your mother or your family, being a house mate that pays to live at the house I can set any "ultimatums" I want. It's a basic courtesy and common sense to not be banging cabinets and tinkering with things at eleven at night consider you have to turn on the lights to do it because everyone is already in bed. Please just don't do it again. It's finals coming up and I've got heavy work days this month--I don't want this to be a recurrent issue. Also I don't know if and when I'll be moving out early but I've got broken dishes and a toaster that are still unaccounted for. I'm assuming you aren't going to want to part with the nice new toaster you bought so just keep that in mind. My toaster wasn't nice but it was relatively new and I don't feel it fair for me to have to purchase a new one on my own considering I rarely used it and definitely didn't break it when it was at the house. If you want to talk more about any of this later I'll be home, otherwise just try and be respectful and I'll try to be civil.


I saw this word one time. No, that's

Yesterday 11:46 PM
Message:It was the word: Hayes. Well, that's...
I always thought it was a good subject to start with.

What do you think? I think this is really good. What are your thoughts? Why do you seem so upset.


Come on just give me something to close on.

Your'e gonna send this to him, aren't you?



Set The Tigers Free

I sang this:

to Branden last night. As a lullaby.

I think he cried.
but I can't be sure, because I'm

so high.

From Branden:
"Garrison i love you and i miss you. Have a great night and i loved hearing you sing. You're brilliant and sweet. I love you gare"


To Mads:
"I think the revolution is impossible this century, then."

To Tyler:

To Branden:
"Are YOU ASLEEP. Sorry about caps lock"

To Tyler, Branden, Alex, Airy:
"You know when you were thinking something rewarding/satisfying but you get distracted by something and then you can't remember what you were thinking but you try. And in that trying you realize you aren't thinking anything and somehow you had accessed oblivion? I...like that."

To Hayden:
"I think thoughts are (the) actions that define "who" "you" "are". But I need postmodern distance from those last three concepts. I don't believe in a pre-linguistic, self-same, stable, coherent "self" though. So: "who you are" is a meaningless concept for me...mostly."

To Alice:
"I really like that James Franco is tweeting seemingly arbitrary video bliss without context. i meant clips. but bliss is more accurate."

To Airy:
"Almost exclusively if someone asks me, "what", I've already lost interest in them. Ya know?"

To Alice:
"They're so gratuitous. One is thirty seconds of a lamp post?"

To Mom, Branden, Airy:
"If you didn't like the smell of the fish isn't it just as arrogant to impose a glade air poisoner on everyone?"

To Mom:
"Lol. It's okay. I like working on my ethics y'all"

To Bodena:
"It seems like you took the internet with you when you left"


"Without knowing how or what you did or how to get it back it's functionally identical"

"At your leisure"

To Branden:
"Kristin wouldn't let me recycle tian's expensive champagne bottle. I was suppppper annoyed."

To Airy:
"I think i'm really, deeply h8ful"

"Like...i'm trying to talk to kristin about roommates and it's just impossible because she won't let me h8. She is a bad-rooommate apologist."

"Also-if she wants to drop out? Drop out."

"It's like... Yeah. I hated school too. And then i stopped going. Then i moved to new york and then ohio. It's... Like a genuine option. Not going to school."

"A lot i'm either hating myself to a debilitating degree. Or i hate everyone else. To a similar degree. Just... So much loathing."

To Branden:
"Hey boy. You know i love you. I had to kill myself last night, if your conception of subjectivity is heavily contingent on performativity. Then i woke up at eight thirty am? And... I guess i'm in class. The class i stopped doing reading for at week three. And stopped attending week five."

To Airy:
"I don't hate at you. Except for when i feel intellectually inferior. And that's really more of a self loathing with you as the context, not the object."

"My relationship to you is one of deep affection and awe."

"Thank god i have you, amiright"

"I do like the teaching assistant in this class. I wish i wasn't depressed. I feel like then we could be friends... Fuck. What if i start crying. Is... That's okay. Nobody will notice? Right? I...did not plan on crying. It's just i didn't sleep a lot"

"Maybe... Maybe"

To Branden:
"Leaving class. :)"

"Reading then more class!"


To Hayden:
""no subject is its own point of departure" butler is always good."

To Mads:
"Butler is transferring to a private school. Are you hurt by that?"

"What?... What?!"


To Hayden:
"Write this on that obnoxious anti-marijuana status: "subjects who institute actions are themselves instituted effects of prior actions, and ... the horizon in which in which we act is there as a constitutive possibility of our very capacity to act, not merely or exclusively as an exterior field or theater of operation.""

To Mads:
"I'm participating in a relationship in which those conversations have taken place, sure, and there are possibilities for explicitly linking that conversation with my intended present one, but now i'm more startled by your refusal to engage with me. Seems a departure. Dare i say a radical one."

"I was hurt when i read butler was transferring to a private school."

To Hayden:
"Also for the question of actions: "there is no ontologically intact reflexivity to the subject which is then placed within a cultural context; that cultural context, as it were, is already there as the disarticulated process of that subject's production, one that is concealed by the frame that would situate a ready-made subject in an external web of cultural relations""

To Branden, Airy, Kristin:
"I pulled obnoxious brian aside after class and told him he needs to speak less and quieter. I used a lot of feminist jargon but it was functionally the same thing. I'm hunry and tired and angry, but i'm still glad."

To Kristin:
"Also is the internet fixed"

To Airy:
"I mostly just said the reason he thinks it's okay to talk so much is because of male privilege. And so i told him he needs to stop. And i said he needs to talk quieter. ...because of male privilege."


To Branden:
"Getting a sandwich at the library..."

"Damn it's snowing hard. Like just a winter wonderland"

"I just got it. Over priced. Incredibly so"

"Yes! I'll mention it to Asuu!"

To Bettilyon:
"Will the ficus tree lower the prices of food on campus? It should be cheaper-affordable for students. Especially those that can't afford a parking pass."

To Branden:
"The student government is holding elections. They're being obnoxious campaigning. I'll ask them."

To Bettilyon:

To Branden:
"This sandwich is good. NOT as gourmet as the price would indicate though."

To Google:
"D: axiomatic"

To Branden:
"It's just... I don't have a car. And i don't know the area. So i'm on campus and i either take the bus home and eat or i stay here and eat. Staying here is better for studying, but worse for my wallet. That sucks"

"Yeah! Capitalism is SOOOOOO terrible and the university is an integral component of its present functioning."

To Mads, Beatty, Airy, Boyack !:
"Is sedwick a lot more difficult to read than butler or am i just really tired and hungry."

To Boyack !:
"The whole solar system? Aren't there only like eight parts?"

To Mads:
"That's what i'm reading. She used the word pullulate? There are like six words i've never heard of on a page."

To Google:
"D: pullulate"

To Mads:

"Yeah. I'm not understanding any of this. Just... At all."

"Knowing what those words means is hardly helping"

To Branden:
"I just noticed that i walk with my left foot sliguly turned in. Is that weird..."

To Boyack !:
"I'm...not getting sedgwick at all. This... Is so unpleasant. I'm tired and the sandwich i ate is hurting my stomach."

"She's talking about ignorance and i think she's talking about me... But i can't be sure. Like when you were young and people spelled around you. Before you could spell. It's infuriating."

"She's an iconoclast!"


"I don't know what an iconoclast is. I just know sedwick is a huge deal"

To Mads:
"Axiomatic y'all"

To Airy:
"The only break i can imagine is going home... And i hate home sometimes. And ameena disconnected the internet and i don't my when she'll fix it."

To Branden:
"Wow. It is not at all quiet in the quiet study area."

To Google:
"D: pellucid"

To Branden:
"They're just hanging out and laughing a lot. Like... Why here?"

To Airy:
"I got outvoted so we got rid of cable. And so... She... Took the cable box this morning and then internet wasn't working. I told her she took the internet with her. she said she didn't she just maybe disconnected it. I said same thing. She said no. I said without knowing how or what you did or how to fix it, it's functionally identical. She said she'd fix it later. I said, by all means, at your leisure."

"Ahhhh. I want snuggles. I'm just reading sedgwick talk about how shitty it is to be gay hungry and tired at the library thirty feet away from a group of laughing people. They're so loud. Why did they come here to laugh and hang out?"

To Google:
"D: Nonce"

To Airy:
"Just...on the floor?! Grinnell > my house"

To Branden:
"Off and on"

To Branden, Boyack !:
"I've been reading for two hours and i'm not halfway done. With this first article."

To Boyack !:
"Would they have pears at the library would you think?"

To Airy:
"Not distinctly enough. I remember that being a beautiful experience i think."

"Reality becoming unflapped is painful? Or the pain is"

"That was a really good time. I like using the word "space" behind reality. Seems deliberately inaccurate/incomplete. Once that man i told to talk less agreed with me in class poorly so i just shook my head at him until he stopped"

To Tyler, Mom, Kristin, Hayden, Emily, Branden, Boyack !, Bodena, Airy:
"Fucking blizzard what the what?"

To Branden, Mom, Hayden, Emily, Kristin:
"Walking to the bus stop... I thought i would die halfway! Surely! My feet are soaking?! Jesus. Jesus!!"

To Airy:
"Walking to the bus stop... I thought i would die halfway! Surely! My feet are soaking?! Jesus. Jesus!! When people get here there's this... Moment where they expect a celebration. Cause we all made this trek. But we're... All just cold and wet"

To Hayden:
"What is it? I had to run through the snow... For some reason. i've never experienced this. The sidewalks on campus are just under the four ish inches of snow"

To Emily:
"Shit. Shit!"

To Mom:
"'m... Expecting the bus to be pretty late."

To Branden:
"I'll have to scrub the tub first to even get that! I ran... In the converse. My feet are wet. What a fucking trek. The one thing late stage capitalism should supply is no treks! Jesus."

To Airy:
"I'm going to try. It's... Such an accomplishment! I kept picturing myself dying and freezing to death halfway. THE BUS!"

"Why is it making my"

To Tyler, Tian, Mom, Kristin, Hayden, Emily, Branden, Boyack !, Bodena, Airy:
"THE BUS WON'T GO ABOVE THIRD AVENUE?? If the fucking bus can't make it how can i??! What the Fuck am i supposed to do with that information but huddle on the bus for warmth and cry???"

To Emily:
"Walking up from third avenue is incredibly difficult on a pleasant spring day..."

To Hayden, Branden:
"No. You don't fucking understand what that means. That's five blocks uphill in six inches of snow in leaky tennis shoes."

To Bodena:
"No. Yeah. But me and my leaky tennis shoes can."

To Branden, Airy, Boyack !:
"I was already crying in the library from being tired and hungry. Now uphill six blocks in leaky tennis shoes in... Four? Inches of snow with freezing wind."

To Mom:
"Wait in the snow?"

To Emily:
"Walking uphill six blocks in four inches of snow i guess is just what i'm doing right now."

To Mom:
"I texted everyone. Ameena said if the bus can't make it she can't. Call the uta and a congress person to complain. That's my plan when i get home. This is unacceptable."

To Bodena:
"Still just walking..."

To Mom:
"I guess not."

To Mom:
"I'm at sixth"

To Branden:
"It's fucking slippery. I keep slipping"

To Mom:
"Yeah. It's slippery on steep"

To Airy:
"I can't stop crying. I'm just naked in the bathroom crying."

To Tyler:
"The bus dropped me of at third avenue. Had to walk from there"

To Kristin:
"I guess i thought texting would suffice. I'm dropping out of school."

To Airy:
"I'm trying to look in the mirror to tell myself that i love myself but i can't."

"It's... No. No. Cause it's... All just repeated. My day was a synecdoche for the structure of academia. And i'm dropping out. I'm... I have to be done. I'm done"

"Okay. Can we skype after. I just... I just need to be held. I need you or branden to hold me because you are the people that keep me from such radical alienation but you're both so far away and i don't understand why. Why i have to be naked crying on the bathroom floor"

"And standing up means picking up these pieces that have been stabbing into me for so long and they're on the floor. Everywhere. They're scattered everywhere and standing up requires collecting them all again for another fucking obnoxiously metaphorical trek through the snow and i can't. When i was on the bus i kept thinking i can't do this and even when i got home all i could think was i can't. I can't do this. I can't. And i fell apart. I just fell apart ari"

To Boyack !:
"I...broke down in the shower. I'm... Still just crying naked in the bathroom. I'm dropping out of school john."

To Kristin:
"I... There was this profound alienation i experienced when the bus driver said he was only driving up to third avenue. And i stark feeling of hopelessness. And i kept thinking a couldn't do it. And even when i got home all i could think was i can't. I can't and i'm still just...crying in the bathroom. And it's all this trite synecdoche for academia, but evaluation is unethical. Grading students isn't grading some autonomous subject that makes rational coherent decisions between success and failure or effort and being lazy. It's an evaluation of who had to walk farther in the snow, but more than that it's an evaluation of how different students are different manifestations of the discursive hub where different regulating pressures articulate an intelligible agency. And the difference between an A and an F is functionally indistinguishable from the distinction between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Thats unethical in any permutation."

To Boyack !:
"I've already dropped out too. I'll... Can i send you a long text. Six pages length"

To Airy:
"I love you."

To Branden:

To Airy:
"I'm still dropping out. Evaluation is just patently unethical. I can't... Endorse this system with my continued participation. Will you support me."

To Boyack !, Branden:
"I... There was this profound alienation i experienced when the bus driver said he was only driving up to third avenue. And a stark feeling of hopelessness. And i kept thinking i couldn't do it. And even when i got home all i could think was i can't. I can't and i'm still just...crying in the bathroom. And it's all this trite synecdoche for academia, but evaluation is unethical. Grading students isn't grading some autonomous subject that makes rational coherent decisions between success and failure or effort and being lazy. It's an evaluation of who had to walk farther in the snow, but more than that it's an evaluation of how different students are different manifestations of the discursive hub where different regulating pressures articulate an intelligible agency. And the difference between an A and an F is functionally indistinguishable from the distinction between heterosexuality and homosexuality. Thats unethical in any permutation."

To Branden:
"Cried in the shower... Then cried naked on the bathroom floor. Now i'm crying on my bed. I'm going to smoke a bowl. I'm dropping out of school branden."

To Airy:
"It's be with you and branden. But branden won't have me. I don't think i've dealt with that emotional blow yet either. I think part of my crying is still about that."

"I need you and/or branden."

"Thank you."

To Boyack !:
"That doesn't address the ethics or the depression"

"Then Fuck why waste my time here"

To Airy:
"I keep hearing the line "i want spam" being repeated in my head. Sometimes it's charlie (from the chocolate factory) saying it."



Let's play a game

Imagine for me, if you will, that you are slowly being crushed to death by some sort of machine.

You are lying between two slabs of, let's say, concrete. An elaborate system of gears and pulleys is pressing the two slabs together (mustn't forget: with you in between).

Now on one of the, let's say, thousand gears, one of the teeth is missing. So, with regularity, the gears catch and the entire mechanism sighs for a moment, and an instant passes within which the crushing stops its inevitable forward motion.

You experience a sort of bliss.

Remember: you are still being crushed to death by some sort of machine.
